
A secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, storing, and managing hundreds of cryptocurrencies.


The crypto wallet for Defi, Web3 Dapps, and NFTs. Available as a browser extension and as a mobile app, MetaMask equips you with a key vault, secure login, token wallet, and token exchange - everything you need to manage your digital assets.


Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB & 150+ cryptocurrencies from the world's largest crypto brand. Binance.us makes trading crypto safe, secure and easy.

Google Authenticator

A mobile security application based on two-factor authentication (2FA) that helps to verify user identities before granting them access to websites and services. 2FA makes it less likely that an intruder can masquerade as an authorized user.


Secure your digital life with your own VPN (Virtual Private Network). Protect your online privacy. Browse privately by encrypting your internet activity so no one can track or steal your data. Travel securely by keeping your digital freedom and security while using unprotected networks. Control your personal data. Access content safely. 


Email Marketing is a MUST in your business. No matter what niche you are in, use an autoresponder to keep a good relationship with your customers, prospects, and followers. Powerfully-simple email marketing software. Build your email lists, send beautiful emails, and connect with your audience.


Design like a Pro. Create amazing content quickly - no design skills needed. Build your brand. As a solopreneur or small business owner, you can set up your Brand Kit and apply it to every template to maintain brand consistency.  Or if you have a team, invite everyone on your team to collaborate together with Canva For Teams.


Simple online meetings, group messaging, webinar and a software-defined conference room solution into one easy-to-use platform. Record calls free up to 45 minutes. Pro version for unlimited.


It’s a great place for uploading and sharing videos, but it’s also a cool community of video creators and has tons of powerful tools for people who make videos for a living. With Vimeo Plus and PRO, you get up to 20GB/week of storage, powerful stats tools, advanced privacy options, and more.

A Happy Pocket Full of Money

True wealth is not about buckets of cash, designer clothes, a new Mercedes, or living in a palatial estate. True wealth, asserts David Gikandi, is about discovering value within yourself and value within other people. It is about a kind of conscious living that incorporates gratitude, a belief in abundance, and the experience of joy.

~ I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy. ~

Tax-Free Wealth

Taxes are our largest single expense. "Taxes often steal peoples' dreams and retirement. Tax-Free Wealth explains how to use the tax law as a road map for reducing your taxes and increasing your wealth." - Tom Wheelwright, CPA

If you hate taxes and feel like there is nothing you can do about them, this is a book you need to read. It will explain how to use the tax code to make you richer.

The Sudden Wealth Solution

Up to 90% of sudden wealth is lost. Don't be another statistic. Instead learn about the 12 principles to transform sudden wealth into lasting wealth. Learn how to take control, get help, upgrade your money beliefs, how to say No, set spending limits and how to protect and grow your wealth.

Instead of having sudden wealth turn your world upside down, learn how to take control and keep your emotions under control as you wade through some potentially stressful situations.

The Win-Win Wealth Strategy

This book acts as a fascinating and lucrative guide to putting your money where it can multiply fastest.  Also learn that developing a nest-egg on which you pay little or no taxes isn't just a pipedream reserved for the wealthy but is an easily achievable goal for everyday people of modest means. Learn the 7 categories the government will incentivize with massive tax benefits.